I am a single Mom of 4 wonderful kids and I need your help to make their Christmas. Last year I left an abusive relationship and went back to work full-time. Things were starting to look up until this year my son's health took a turn this year. He was playing in a band at the halftime show on a Friday night at the end of August and came home with severe back pain. I took him into the hospital not knowing our lives were about to change for the worse. My son was transferred to Children's Hospital we spent almost two weeks, two of those days in the ICU. He was diagnosed with severe Spinal Osteomlytis. The infection is so severe he was sent home with a PICC line and I had to administer IV antibiotics every 8 hours and pain meds to control his pain. Needing to care for my son I had to take a personal leave from my Job that was unpaid. I am 3 months behind in rent and have no idea how I am going to pay my rent let alone give my kids a Christmas. He still has the infection and is in a back brace cast until further notice. The infection has eroded his T6 vertebrae and the disc between his T6-T7 has completely deteriorated. This breaks my heart for my child who is only 17 years old. I am reaching out for help with my 4 kids to help give them a Christmas.