Posting again: I have 4 littles, 8 yr old boy, 7 yr old girl, 2 yr old boy, 10 month old girl. They are ALL rainbow babies. I’ve miscarried a lot. We have had a rough year, especially my two oldest. They are 7 and 8. My dad, grandmother (dads mom), my uncle, and most recently, one of my close friends, all passed away. My older two were really close to my dad as well, and they’ve been struggling with grief really bad. we have had to travel back and forth half way across the US for funerals because we live far away from where they lived. We had c-vid 2 times. we are getting behind on financial things, and I have a lot of medical issues. So my husband has had to take off for that as well. So finances have been declining. I just want to get my babies their necessities and maybe 1-2 gifts. Thank you for taking the time to read our post.
and here is the target registry. We really need food so you can choose things or I’ll add more items. Or even a gift card for food, gas, diapers. Doesn’t matter we are thankful for anything and everything.
my email is

pictured- two of my four- but this is the sweetest pic of these two I’ve ever seen.
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