I have 2 daughters who deserve a great Christmas. Bella Sky is 9 years old and Luna Ray is 3 months old. We have had a rough year after loosing our home that we lived in for 10 years. It was Bellas only home she ever knew. My pregnancy with Luna was high risk and very hard. She came at 35 weeks due to complications and had to be resuscitated at birth and had some major life threatening problems. Thankfully she seems to be doing much better and is like any other 3 month old. Due to illness and injuries I have no been able to work. Times have been very hard on me and my family. So any help for giving my daughters a great Christmas would be a blessing and greatly appreciated. Bella is really skilled at drawing and art. She enjoys reading and playing video games. She is such a nice , polite strong little girl. Luna is a survivor and is learning how to wave and smile and making cute little noises and on her way to saying her first words.
Praying for generosity of strangers that my girls can have a blessed Christmas. Anything is appreciated and I would be extremely thankful.