Cameron is a 6 y/o with Spina Bifida Mylo and several other medical diagnosi. his life has been early intervention and pt ot speech medica appts since 23 weeks gestat whenni underwent ineutero fetal surgery for his spinal closure. We are a single income active duty military family. I gave up my teaching career to be my sons care taker And ever since we haven’t been able to get caught up. always in negative, always a day late and a dollar short. Cameron’s world is changing and he is losing ambulatory abilities. He just had a spinal surgery Thursday. Our home isn’t access And we had to have a stair lift installed, 12,000 still trying to come up with 4500 to pay off the loan. we could use some Christmas spirit for sure this year. Back in hospital after being released Monday cam is on oxyge, 103 temperatures csf leak and infection of csf fluid. My spouse and I are by his side sleeping in chairs in his room it’s just a somber not festive time.