Here is my beautiful family.... The Smith Squad 💕
Khelsi (Boy) - 15 years old
Jaimee - 12 years old
Kasey - 11 years old
Kamryn - 7 years old
Jurnee - 5 years old

My husband and I got married at 20 years old and created the family that you see here. It's been rough being so young and raising these litte humans but so far we haven't "failed". We both kept a job for the most part throughtout. However, in October I was laid off and decided to go back to school to study nursing, something I've put off up until now because I've been so focused on helping my husband provide and the childrens' schooling. With only my husband's income we have really been struggling to pay bills. We were even facing eviction but managed to get them to agree to a payment plan by the grace of God. Needless to say, Christmas was formally cancelled for our children on November 14th when our vehicle was repossessed and we had to pay $2700 to retrieve it. If anyone can find it in their hearts to help us here is our Amazon wishlist:

I do understand that trying to buy gifts for 5 children could be costly so we would also just really appreciate household cleaning supplies and food.
Thank you!!!!!!!