My husband, Nate, has terminal prostate cancer that has metastasized into the skull, spine, shoulder hips and leg. I was taking care of him, but went into the hospital July 28th for routing surgery and never got out until last week ( a Long Term Care facility). I had 8 surgeries, a stay in the hospiotal, then a short term care facility and eventually a LTC facility. We have one income; Nate's SSDI, and as you can imagine, funds are really tight. A few weeks ago, we took emergency custody of Nate’s 3 girls, aged 12, 13, and 15. This was due to neglect and drug and alcohol abuse that terribly affected the kids. I would REALLY appreciate ANY assistance in making their Christmas a memorable one. They have been through SO MUCH and have never even had a tree. Ever!
2 of the girls would like a stackable bohemian bracelet set and like really colorful things. The other would like an art set with lots of colored pencils, markers, charcoal, etc...
I would be most thankful and greatful for your consideration. We live right outside of Philadelphia in Gl;enside, PA. Thank you in advance.