Hello we would like to start off by saying Happy Holidays from our tribe to your's. Unfortunately like many other families hard times have fallen apon us. We have three strong minded children with a positive outlook and always thankful for a mere thought of them. We have two children Makayla age 10 and Damien age 3 almost 4. We got into a terrible car accident which our car got totalled in and due to injuries we have experienced income loss and all we ask for as any other family/parent/care taker/ect. Is for our children to have a Merry Christmas and a possible gift or two from Santa and a Christmas angel. Again, we would like to thank you for considering our family. God bless and Happy Holidays.
Makayla age 10 and very girly.. loves singing and dancing, bubbles, anything educational, clothes size 14 girls.
Damien age 3 almost 4- leap frog educational everything, dinosaurs, batman blanket, major need of toddler bed and he really loves the idea of light up shoes.
Thank you and Happy holidays.
