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Forum Posts
Nov 22, 2022
In Letters with Amazon Wishlists
Looking for any kind of help with my 3 children this year. Long story short, My husband has been struggling due to long term health issues. I had to find a job closer to home and the current job is not giving me enough hours. We're trying our hardest but cannot keep up with bills. I'm asking for help in hopes someone can bless us this year... I'd be so grateful for my children to at least get one thing under the tree.. Just to see them open something would be appreciated. I've copied a link to a holiday wish list. I asked for snow suits and jackets because they love the snow, but we cannot afford to get them jackets this year. My oldest loves anything army guy, my middle boy loves dinosaurs and building blocks, my little girl loves babies, pretend play and singing. I asked for the terrariums because my kiddos LOVE the outdoors and hands on activities. I did put tablets on their wish list because they ask for them often, I know its a far reach because they are more expensive but they keep begging for them and I know I can't provide those. I appreciate you reading, and I know there are many others in need. Just know that you even reading this is a blessing, you are amazing for even considering helping anyone.. I hope I can do this for someone next year! Warm regards, and holiday wishes. I also have cash app: $erogalinski And Venmo: @eafranks89
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